Saturday, March 8, 2014

I've misplaced my bookmark . . .

There are many chapters of a person's life. A new chapter might begin with a celebration such as a graduation, new career, or the birth of a baby. Other chapters aren't met with anticipation, like the death of a loved one or a divorce.

Regardless of the chapter, I believe there is always something to learn and an opportunity for growth.

I'm starting a new chapter in my life. It is one of the latter ones I mentioned. One I didn't meet with excitement or anticipation. It is a chapter that starts with getting divorced. There are already highlights to the chapter such as getting a new home and renewing old friendships.  But there have definitely been low points - feelings of rejection, depression, and sadness.

I'm not sure how this blog will go. If it follows the path of my recent weeks, one day I might post about the great turquoise tea kettle I found at World Market, and the next day I might be voicing the displeasure of my recent label of "37 year-old divorced mother of 2."  Realistically I will probably post photos of my Golden Retriever and silly things my 2 year old says.

Either way, it's my new chapter, and I hope to learn, grow, and become stronger as it continues.


  1. Welcome to blogging! Can't wait to hear about the tea kettle...

  2. Bloggers unite! Now we know at least someone is reading our blogs.
